Wednesday 3 November 2010

A Plea

As you know, Prestwick Community Centre is run by volunteers. South Ayrshire Council still has a duty to maintain the outside of the building but most of the internal maintenance is achieved by the Centre Council. One or two fundraisers are held annually and the day is dawning when SAC is likely to play little or no part in its upkeep.

Last night I attended the monthly committee meeting and the Christmas Fayre was discussed. This has been held for many years and although it raises very little, it is, I believe, important to the local community, especially the children who attend.

There has been a very low uptake in stalls this year and I am one of the "groups" who has chosen not to run a stall - most of the groups who have a table are doing so to raise funds for their own groups but obviously my classes are more of a wee business and this would not be appropriate, although I would be happy to consider a table sale in the future for the benefit of the Community Centre.

Also, if we were to hold some sort of table sale, selling quilted goods, we should probably have started making things last January!!

So, on the way home last night I was trying to figure out some way of helping to boost funds apart from my wee donation to the tombola!

Obviously, if you attend the Fayre - it is on Saturday 20th November from 2pm - 4pm - you will be supporting the Centre by paying admission..............

.................if you are unable to attend perhaps you would consider giving a donation of £1 or £2? I have a lot of ladies attending classes and this could make a substantial difference to the Fayre income.

I know this is the time of year when our purses need to be made of elastic but sometimes the causes closest to us need supprting, and I hope you will help.

I will collect any contributions at your next class.

Many thanks


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